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Diana Pulliam

Although I’ve been a Christian since the age of 22, it wasn’t until 2008, while going through an especially trying time, that I asked God what He intended for my life. I told Him I wanted my life to give Him Glory, but didn’t see how it was making any difference at all for His kingdom. I asked Him to not hold anything back, I wanted it all – EVERYTHING – He intended for me, that I would do whatever He told me to do.

Two weeks later, during my quiet time with the Lord, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Clean your house and write.” In 2011, I started the blog as a place to write whatever the Lord inspires. I began having dreams and visions in the mid 90’s, mostly about things the Lord wanted to relay to me regarding personal issues. But the last few years, they have become almost exclusively about the times in which we live.

Urgent Call – Use This Time Wisely!

As mentioned in the previous post ‘Gather the Evidence,’ what I keep hearing in the spirit about this current world crisis is,  “Practice Run – Dress Rehearsal.”  At first, I thought God was only referring to what the enemy is doing.  Although this is definitely a practice run for the kingdom of darkness, God’s making clear – so it is for the Saints of the Most High!

We all know the ultimate goal of the devil is to create a system to subdue the masses – to take control of every aspect of our lives. In general, the current unprecedented worldwide move we are witnessing is to get his “troops” aligned and in position, as well as to prepare the people to accept the “new order” of things. But enough about what the devil is doing. What is God doing?
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“Gather the Evidence!”

One night, the first week in February, all through the night I was given instructions by the Lord through the repetition of a dream.

In the dream, it was as if I was put into the role of a “detective” of some sort.  I kept hearing the word “watch” and “observe.” I was sifting through papers and separating certain ones.  I wasn’t shown the content of what I was looking at, or what I was supposed to be looking for.  As I awoke, I heard the Holy Spirit say,

“Watch and Observe!”

“Gather the Evidence!”  

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“I Am Calling My People to The Ark!”

I returned March 8th 2020, from a trip to the ‘Ark Encounter’ in Kentucky.  For those who haven’t heard of it, the park contains a replica of Noah’s Ark using the dimensions and other information contained in the book of Genesis.  A family member asked me to go, and I thought it would be interesting to see.  But the “encounter” I experienced was not at all what I was expecting.

As I walked across the field towards the Ark, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.  It was as if I was being drawn towards it.  Suddenly I felt a powerful move of the Spirit, and heard the following,
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“He’s Coming For the Children!”



Recently, the Lord put it on my heart to re-post the following vision/word given back in 2017.  At that time, many of the things we see happening now hadn’t begun, or been made public…  He gave specific instructions to the Saints on how to stand against this darkness: 

The evening of March 16, 2017, the Lord gave me a vision and word that’s been heavy on my heart.  I knew immediately it was for the entire Body of Christ.
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“The Bridegroom Shall Suddenly Come to His Temple”




The Body of Christ must fasten our eyes upon what God is doing as never before!  Those who allow their eyes to divert, focusing upon the circus show of the devil will be caught unaware…

It was 2:45 am on November 29, 2019.  I was sound asleep when awakened by the following:

“The Bridegroom Shall Suddenly Come to His Temple.”

“There Will Be No More Delays!” Continue Reading >>>

The Trial of Your Soul




I’d like to ask each of you to read this through to the end.  Although the Lord’s given warning of impending trouble, He’s also giving us instructions on how to prepare.  I pray each of us will spend time in prayer over this message to receive strength and encouragement for the days ahead.   

In the last post, I shared a vision/word given by the Lord warning His people: Continue Reading >>>

“Veer Off! They Are Heading for Destruction!”

As I awakened the morning of October 25, 2019, I knew the Lord had been speaking to me throughout the night.  At first I couldn’t remember what I’d repeatedly heard Him whisper.  But a while later, as I sat praying and worshiping, the following vision and word was given:

From a bird’s eye view, I saw a wide path similar to a highway, but the lane appeared to be a mile or so wide.  It was filled with a throng of people covering every square inch of the path, all walking rapidly in the same direction.  As I watched, I heard the Lord say:

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