The Trial of Your Soul




I’d like to ask each of you to read this through to the end.  Although the Lord’s given warning of impending trouble, He’s also giving us instructions on how to prepare.  I pray each of us will spend time in prayer over this message to receive strength and encouragement for the days ahead.   

In the last post, I shared a vision/word given by the Lord warning His people: Continue Reading >>>

“Veer Off! They Are Heading for Destruction!”

As I awakened the morning of October 25, 2019, I knew the Lord had been speaking to me throughout the night.  At first I couldn’t remember what I’d repeatedly heard Him whisper.  But a while later, as I sat praying and worshiping, the following vision and word was given:

From a bird’s eye view, I saw a wide path similar to a highway, but the lane appeared to be a mile or so wide.  It was filled with a throng of people covering every square inch of the path, all walking rapidly in the same direction.  As I watched, I heard the Lord say:

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“This Will Go Much Quicker Than You Think!”

The morning of September 23, 2019, God woke me up at 3:30 am saying, “Get up!”  Believe me, I did NOT want to wake up.  Because of two sleepless nights in a row, I’d went out like a light the night before.  Rolling over, I started to drift back to sleep.       

As soon as I began losing consciousness, the Lord said,

“Get up!  This will go much quicker than you think!”

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The Devil’s Hiding Place

I’m going to share something very personal because the Lord’s shown it greatly affects the Body of Christ.  This post is a little longer than normal, because several things needed to be brought out.  Please pray before proceeding, and read to the end. 

Many are asking, “How can I experience greater intimacy with God?  I want a close and personal relationship with Him, but I don’t know what to do. I’ve studied and prayed, but it seems He doesn’t hear my prayers, and I feel so lonely…”  Let me now share what the Lord’s shown about this: Continue Reading >>>

To Whom Will You Turn?

A few days after receiving the word from the Lord, titled ‘Heads Up’, I received a text message from brother in Christ, who said he was forwarding a dream to me that he’d had the previous evening. When I read this dream I knew it needed to be posted:

Dream received the evening of July 21, 2019;

There was great commotion everywhere; the weather was very turbulent, with loud thunder and wine-colored lightening. It was a horrific sight. The people could see trouble brewing in the clouds, which looked like a sea of boiling acid. But they were not panicking as one would expect. Instead, they seemed carefree, walking and talking in a relaxed manner, with no sign of worry! Continue Reading >>> >>>

“Signs and Wonders Will Follow”

One morning the end of May, 2019, I began feeling an intense sorrow and heaviness come over me.  I asked the Lord what was happening; where was this coming from?  After some time in prayer, it was impressed upon me I was being shown the heart of God; but the reason for the sorrow wasn’t given until later that evening. 

I prayed quietly in the spirit for the remainder of the day, but by evening it had progressed to a deep groaning.  Soon after kneeling beside my bed, images began flooding my mind. Continue Reading >>>

“It’s Time to Rise Up and Be Strong!”

The morning of May 19, 2019, I woke up feeling refreshed and well rested.  As I rose to my feet, I heard myself say in the spirit (as if speaking to someone), “It’s time to rise up and be strong!”

Later that morning, during a telephone conversation with a friend, they said several times, “Diana, you seem so different.  I sense an energy coming from your spirit.  What’s happened to you?” Continue Reading >>>

“Let The Fire Consume You!”

The morning of May 1, 2019, I felt intense, overwhelming pressure building in the spirit.  It was a struggle to keep my eyes focused on the Lord. But I knew the Holy Spirit wanted me to still myself.

I sat down and began taking slow, deep breaths, as happenings of the previous couple of weeks began swirling and pressing in around me.  Deep pain and agony welled up within my heart. And then suddenly, Continue Reading >>>