New Oil Beyond Your Experience

The following word from the Lord was originally given and scribed on September 9, 2017, during a time of prayer.  I believe the hour is now at hand:

“My people are subverted! Pray for them! They need regeneration and washing in My word, and renewal by the Holy Spirit! If you don’t pray for them after I’ve shown you their stale or rotten fruit, who will? Continue Reading >>>

I Want to Speak to You!

On November 7th 2021, I was awakened from a sound sleep by a clanging noise just after 3:00 am, then fell back asleep.  Then it happened again.  On the third time, I was sufficiently awakened to the point I knew it wasn’t a noise from outside, but in the spirit realm. 

It sounded like metal being hit three times in quick succession.  Just before the third set of clangs ended, I received a vision of a pioneer woman standing on her front porch ringing one of those triangular-shaped dinner bells, as she called the family in from the field.  I knew God was calling upon me to go to my special place to commune with Him. Continue Reading >>>

Famine Is Rising Up!


November 10, 2021 12:59 pm, the Lord began talking to me about his storehouses.  He said,

“Fear not, for the famine is rising up ahead. I see not as man sees, for I know all these things. FAMINE is soon arising in your land, famine in your nation.

I tell my beloved ones to fear not, for am I not your sustenance, I AM your storehouse, for am I not your provision? Continue Reading >>>

The Trumpet Is About to Sound!

The Lord said to me on November, 9, 2021,

“The trumpet is about to sound. I AM shall declare it is the beginning and so now shall be the end. The Ark is finished for I AM the ark and I AM the covering over my few, the Righteous.

 These shall stand in Jerusalem for thou art Israel my beloved. Think it not strange these fiery trials, tested in the fires 7 times heated, for these are my chosen ones, my overcomers who endure until the end. My Covenant I keep with my own. Prepare ye the way they shall all cry out.

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You Must Cross Over!


While in prayer the morning of October 12, 2021, the Lord said,

          “You must cross over!”

I knew He was referring to The Narrow Gate, where His Remnant are gathering now; and how entering through that gate will require a step of faith for His people.  But He began to show there’s much more; the Lord wants us to understand where we are in the spiritual realm of things. Continue Reading >>>

My Army of Excellence!

The Lord gave me this word this morning..
“Fierce and angry is their countenance, they look at the behemoth and laugh. For who can make war against these, MY ARMY.
For I have forged a peculiar people who stand and bear My name. Their comliness has no appeal to this world. These are strong for in them I have placed My might, power, and My strength. Unknown, for what name shall they bear but Mine? Continue Reading >>>

His Fire and Glory Are Coming!

As I walked to the kitchen, in my spirit I began to hear the word “fire.”

I thought, “Oh, I know Lord, soon the world will be burning from your judgements.  Or, do you mean people are going to be going through the fires in tribulation?”  Then, the Lord said,

“No, soon they will all be as fire.  My few I have stripped of their lives; their lives are now only of me. These are MY weapons of my destruction; destruction against the enemies of their souls.

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Locusts From the Pit of Hell

The following was submitted by a member of my prayer group, Norman Gauthier, Ph.D.

The morning of September 28, 2021, after several days of intense prayer, the Holy Spirit began revealing, not only the physical, but the spiritual significance of a video I’d watched of an interview with Dr. Carrie Medej (link below), and prompting me to share what was being shown. 

I contacted Diana Pulliam, a member of my prayer group, so we could discuss and pray over my findings.  After praying with the other members, all felt God wanted this written up in an attempt to warn and awaken others to this great deception and demonic attack. Continue Reading >>>

Full Authority & Power To Come

The Lord spoke to me the morning of September 17, 2021.   I was awakened at 5:00 am. The Lord said:

” There is a full authority and power coming soon, authority I AM giving to my people, an over flow of what they have not known exists in the earth.

I keep my word; for have I not said, greater works than what I have done you shall do?  Great mercy shall be shown and given unto my people during tribulation in the earth. For was I not with Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego in their fiery trial? How much more shall I be with my people in the end. Continue Reading >>>