Tag: Gather the Evidence

Introduction to ‘The Petition’

This is a brief explanation of ‘The Petition’ which was released and proclaimed on the Day of Atonement, 2023.  God willing, I will share the original document, ‘The Petition,’ on this website tomorrow.  I first need to provide a brief history of how it came about, with links provided below:

The first week in February of 2020, the Lord gave me specific instructions in a dream repeated throughout the night: Continue Reading >>>

“Are You Ready to Submit the Petition?”

In a previous article, I shared how in the first week of February, 2020, the Lord gave some specific instructions one night through the repetition of a dream.

In the dream, it was as if I was put into the role of a “detective” of some sort.  I kept hearing the word “watch” and “observe.” I was sifting through papers and separating certain ones.  I wasn’t shown the content of what I was looking at, or what I was supposed to be looking for.  As I awoke, I heard the Holy Spirit say,

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Stand Your Ground!

I pray the Body is awake enough now to hear and respond quickly to the instructions the Lord’s giving in this hour.  I include myself in this prayer.

Three words given just after President Trump’s election have been presented to me over and over the last few weeks.  Thinking I already understood the meaning of each, I wasn’t sure what God was trying to show – until the Lord “awakened” me a few mornings ago.
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“Gather the Evidence!”

One night, the first week in February, all through the night I was given instructions by the Lord through the repetition of a dream.

In the dream, it was as if I was put into the role of a “detective” of some sort.  I kept hearing the word “watch” and “observe.” I was sifting through papers and separating certain ones.  I wasn’t shown the content of what I was looking at, or what I was supposed to be looking for.  As I awoke, I heard the Holy Spirit say,

“Watch and Observe!”

“Gather the Evidence!”  

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