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Diana Pulliam

Although I’ve been a Christian since the age of 22, it wasn’t until 2008, while going through an especially trying time, that I asked God what He intended for my life. I told Him I wanted my life to give Him Glory, but didn’t see how it was making any difference at all for His kingdom. I asked Him to not hold anything back, I wanted it all – EVERYTHING – He intended for me, that I would do whatever He told me to do.

Two weeks later, during my quiet time with the Lord, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Clean your house and write.” In 2011, I started the blog as a place to write whatever the Lord inspires. I began having dreams and visions in the mid 90’s, mostly about things the Lord wanted to relay to me regarding personal issues. But the last few years, they have become almost exclusively about the times in which we live.

The Proposal


The night of June 12th, 2017, at 1:00 am in the morning, I was suddenly awakened.  I sensed the Lord had something to say or show me, so I asked, “What, Lord?”  Immediately, I heard the name, “William.”

I’d went to bed with a lot on my mind. William, a dear brother in the Lord, had spoken to me the previous afternoon about what the Lord had revealed concerning the call of God on my life.  Before we got off the phone, he’d said, “Take what I’ve told you before Him in prayer.” So I’d fervently prayed for more revelation before retiring.

As soon as I heard the name, “William,” I remembered he was supposed to send some emails containing dreams, words, and visions given to him by the Lord beginning quite a few years ago.  So with the lights still out, I reached across the night stand to get my phone.  Sure enough, there were 6 or 7 emails with various titles, but for some reason one in particular stood out. Read More>>>

Prayer Request

Please submit your prayer requests below in the ‘Leave a Reply’ section.  This will not only allow our prayer team, but others visiting this site, to stand with you in prayer.  All prayer requests are checked on a daily basis, and we will attempt to respond to each as soon as possible.  For confidential requests, you may use the Comment form in ‘Contact Us’ on the Home page

May God bless each and every one of you!


“Are You Ready to Die?”


I’d been praying for months, “Lord, if there be anything in me that doesn’t give you praise, that isn’t pleasing in your sight, take it from me.”

The first week in February, 2017, during a prayer meeting, we all knelt down and submitted ourselves to the Lord as a group. We told Him we were bringing all we were before His altar, and asked to be emptied of ourselves and filled with Him.

The Lord’s Response

That night, for the remainder of our prayer time, I heard the Lord say several times:

“I AM Holy!”

“Be ye therefore Holy, even as I AM Holy.”

“Nothing unclean can stand before Me.”

“You must be a living sacrifice.”

“Are you ready to DIE?”

When the Lord asked this, I said, “Yes, Lord, I’m yours. Do with me as it pleases you.” Although I meant every word, at the time I had no idea what I was asking, and what would have to take place in order to be emptied of myself and filled with Him. Read More >>>

Video (“He’s Coming Through the Cracks!”)

This video is about a word given on March 30th, 2017, and a supplement to the post “He’s Coming Through The Cracks!  I am Revealing the Cracks!”

There are cracks in the armor of the Saints they’re not even aware of. These cracks are because of hidden idols or “high places,” which must be brought down and destroyed.  Until the high places are cast down and destroyed in your life, the devil will continue coming through the cracks to wreak havoc in your life.


He’s Coming Through the Cracks! I Am Revealing the Cracks!”


The attack is on!   Many in the Body of Christ are going through intense trial right now, like nothing we’ve seen before.   It doesn’t matter what part of the world you live in, the remnant Church is feeling the growing pressure.

I myself have been hit with a multiple pronged attack, and just about every Saint I know personally is being assailed with trials of every sort imaginable.

As soon as the first punch landed, knocking me completely off my feet, the Lord began to speak to me about what was happening. He began to speak about the process of cleansing and preparing His Body on the Earth. He said,

“Anything in you that is not of Me must fall.” Read More >>>

What’s God Telling His Church? Are You Ready?

The following is a link to an interview I did on Tribulation-Now blog talk radio.  I spoke of what the Lords been showing me recently about what’s coming, and how the Church is being made ready.  The Lord has been whispering in my ear the last few days a very specific Word about the trials you and I are going through as believers and what’s really happening.

You’ll need to fast forward to the 1:44 hour marker where I begin speaking:


“He’s Coming For The Children!”


The evening of March 16, 2017, the Lord gave me a vision and word that’s been heavy on my heart.  I knew immediately it was for the entire Body of Christ.

Since being given the mandate from the Lord a few weeks ago to, “Call My people in.  Call in the sick, the maimed, and the broken.  Stretch forth your hands to heal, to restore, to make whole” (see ‘The Rescue Mission’), I’ve taken it to heart.  Not only do I seek guidance from the Holy Spirit on a daily basis as to what part of my Body, the Body of Christ, I’m to pray over, but the prayer group I belong to now begins by asking the same thing.

This particular evening, after asking the Lord for utterance to pray His will, we began praying over the Body of Christ.  It began with local members and situations, quickly expanding worldwide. As I was praying in the Spirit, I was given the following vision/word:

I saw a large group of children gathered together in a seemingly carefree, relaxed environment, with lots of smiling faces.  They were all age groups, from toddlers to teens.  Suddenly, I heard the Lord say, Read More >>>